Oklahoma Institute for Diversity in Journalism

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Only Human – The Confessions of an International Student


by Chase Bryer Prior to coming to the U.S., Shugofa Dastgeer worked as a famous news anchor for Afghanistan’s biggest media network – TOLOnews. She went from a life of success and fame to a life of pure isolation as an international student plunged into a different culture. The University of Oklahoma is home to roughly 22,000 students, about 2,000 of who are international students. Migrating from across the globe, these students are given the opportunity to embrace the Sooner state though the International Student Service program. Dastgeer, a second-year doctoral student, said reporting in war-torn Afghanistan was challenging but…

Live each day


by Jordan Evans Artist Ryan Harris learned this lesson early when his cousin committed suicide. This event continues to be a major influence on his screen-printing. “It’s a really tough sort of gray area when I create something because it’s coming from such a dark place, but it’s trying to be good,” Harris said. “And that can be well received by people that get it.” Harris’ first expressions of art were through poetry and photography during his adolescent years. His uncle was a professional artist and was one of his first role models. Harris entered OU as an international business…

Kiowa member ‘Wondo’ competes in World Cup


  by Chase Bryer  Soccer and this year’s FIFA World Cup have some new fans – the Kiowa Tribe. Chris Wondolowski, a 31-year-old forward on the U.S. Men’s National Team, has inspired his people by becoming the first enrolled member of the Kiowa Tribe to compete in the World Cup. He also has sparked an interest in the game of soccer for Kiowas everywhere. “No one ever even thought of watching soccer. Now that he’s playing, … everyone’s watching soccer,” said Steve Quetone, Kiowa Nation Sports Club director. “Just the idea of knowing that we have a Kiowa that’s succeeded…

‘Locavores’ flock to Norman Farm Market


by Jordan Evans When Bucky Gibson worked in the Wal-Mart loading docks, he noticed that food crates sat for days until the produce wasn’t fresh. He began to realize consumers had better options than buying food from chain supermarkets. Now the owner of a two-acre farm, Gibson controls not only how fast the products make it to consumers but also how the fruit and vegetables are grown. He runs the farm with the help of his mother, who has grown produce for years. Together, they are able to provide fresher, more natural food, which he sells at area farmers markets.…

Speaking through art


by Micah Roberts On Tuesday mornings, the focus at the Fred Jones Junior Museum of Art shifts from looking at art to creating it. On those mornings, the museum hosts Art Adventures, a program that introduces children ages 2-5 to art projects and theories. This free year-round program serves about 25 children and adults each week, according to program administrator Karen McWilliams. Attraction to art helps kids turn into more artistically talented individuals, McWilliams said. She said children learn that museums are not scary, but are places that give people a sense of beauty and history. McWilliams said she wants…

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