Gabi’s Profile


When her dad banned 6-year-old Gabi Merchen from watching the Disney Channel, she had to look for other options. She came across “3rd Rock from the Sun,” a comedy about aliens who land on earth in human form and attempt to fit in. Watching the show and laughing at the characters’ experiences sparked Gabi’s passion for comedy.

Although her dad’s refusal to watch the Disney Channel introduced her to comedy, Gabi’s mom was the key influence in her pursuit of the art. When Gabi’s parents divorced, she said she looked to comedy as a “defense mechanism.”

“When I’m uncomfortable, I just tell more jokes to avoid talking about emotions,” Gabi said.

Over time, comedy became more than just a way to cope, it became her passion. Gabi’s mom encouraged her to continue pursuing comedy through high school, which led her to join the OKC Improv program. The OKC Improv program is an organization for people of all ages to practice their skills at the inventive form of comedy.

“When you’re there, you never feel alone because you have a team of talented people who always have your back,” Gabi said.

Gabi, a 17-year-old senior at Yukon High School, has been part of OKC Improv since April. She said the freedom to express herself allows her to escape everyday struggles and serves as stress relief.

Gabi describes her comedy as “brutally honest and relatable.”

“Comedy is just radical truth telling,” Gabi said.

Gabi said her idol Tina Fey represents empowerment for all women comedians. She enjoys watching and tries to emulate Fey’s multifaceted comedy style. Gabi also enjoys Samantha Bee because Bee combines Gabi’s two favorite things: comedy and journalism.

Gabi said that comedy also helps her learn and understand the world. She practices writing skits, sketches and stories in hopes that one day she will work on “The Daily Show.” She admires comedians on the show because they present important topics in an understandable way.

“They simplify the complexities of the world and expose hidden truths,” she said.