Once an OIDJ student, now a coach, writing a constant for Camila Gonzalez

Camila Gonzalez

By Jason McDaniel
Epic Charter Schools

Camila Gonzalez is a freelance journalist who loves to write.

“It’s a really important way to communicate with people, you can write about your emotions,” said Gonzalez, who attended the Oklahoma Institute for Diversity in Journalism as a student in 2014 and was back this year for her first time as a coach.

But her writing isn’t limited to news stories. Gonzalez is a musician who loves to write songs.

She writes to express the emotion she feels in her songs, and in other people’s songs, too.

“I like learning new words and finding interesting ways to describe things,” said Gonzalez, who attended Harding Charter Prep in Oklahoma City before going to college at the University of North Texas. “I think words are very powerful and you can do a lot with them. The pen is mightier than the sword as they say.”

Gonzalez, originally from Oklahoma City but now living in Dallas, is all about music. In talking with her, even questions not about music seem to find the answers in musical notes, lyrics and beats. 

Gonzales says she like everything about music, including playing the ukulele and writing songs to express how she feels. 

As a girl, Gonzalez grew up on oldies bands like the Ramones and The Smiths. But has broadened her tastes into different genres as she continues writing her own music. 

“Recently I have been expanding a lot more, mainly listening to hip-hop,” she said. “Really female rappers like Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion and Rico Nasty.”

Her favorite instrument? Ironically, the drum, an instrument she doesn’t play, but has occasionally tried.

“Briefly in high school I was in a band where I would sing and play the drums,” she said. “It was really fun, I didn’t really know how to play though, but we needed a drummer.”

As Gonzalez continues venturing into her career, she will always keep music near and dear to her heart. Using the notes and lyrics as a way to express her feelings.