A voice for the voiceless: The crusade of Michayla Tate


By Keren Florez

Justice is the word that drives Michayla Tate.

In a world where people are still being marginalized, excluded and fighting for justice, Michayla wants to dedicate her life to defending people.  

Michayla was born in Dallas, but currently lives with her mother in Oklahoma City. Although she’s only 16, she has the drive and passion to fight for what she cares about. Michayla The incoming junior at the Classen School of Advanced Studies is empathetic and an open book. Her confidence makes everyone feel comfortable while talking to her.

Those qualities are especially important in politics, where Michayla sees herself in the future.

“I want to be a voice for people who may not be heard in this society,” Michayla said.

Her plan after graduating from high school is to move to Washington, D.C., to study broadcast journalism and minor in political science. She believes that diversity, equal rights and communication can and should be discussed in politics and wants to break the stigma around them.

“I want to stand up for people and make the world a better place,” Michayla said.

She wants to be a voice for different ethnic groups, communities and stand up to those who cannot fight for themselves.

“They are being mistreated here, but the U.S claims to be the land of the free,” Michayla said. Michayla has the strength and knowledge to be a leader who can help the U.S. grow as a community. She considers Michelle Obama her hero, saying she’s inspired by how she used her voice as first lady to help the country.

Michayla said she wants to make sure that everyone, regardless of race, gender or any other characteristic, has human rights and dignity.

She said that some things are better now, but still there are problems when it comes to living in any community – she has seen racism affect everyday people who have no one to stand up for them.

People want to live in a world where everyone has freedom and justice, and Michayla hopes to dedicate her life to helping bring those things to the United States and the world.