Meaning behind the songs in Shawn Mendes 2020 album ‘Wonder’


By Claire Ash, Edmond Santa Fe High School

Shawn Mendes released his album ‘Wonder’ Dec. 4, 2020. Within the first week it had a total of 46.92 million demand streams.

The album contains 14 incredible songs. The audience rating is a 4.8 on Google. In its second week, ‘Wonder’ descended to 25 on the Billboard 200 dates, with 28,300 units sold

Wonder is essentially a concept album, the concept being Camila Cabello.

The first song on the list is Intro, a song where Shawn is basically saying how we all have different “faces” and how we change when were around different people.

Secondly, Wonder. This is a very personal song that has a profound connection to who he really is. 

In his third song, Higher, Shawn talks about how he has reached the peaking point in his life and how it can’t get much better (higher) than this.

Fourth, 24 Hours. A romantic song talking about “all it takes is 24-hours, sign the check and the place is ours” referring to a couple buying a house.

The fifth song released in the album is Teach Me How to Love. In this song, Mendes is explaining how he wants to make his lover feel like the queen she is, emotionally and physically. 

Call My Friends is number six on the list. He makes a point in the song about being emotionally vulnerable and shows the respect he has for his friends that where always there for him.

Coming in on number seven, Dream; a whimsical, sweet tribute song dedicated to Camilla Cabello, his former girlfriend.

Song for No One is eight. This is a love song written for no own but has subtle hints towards Camilla in it.

The ninth song in the album is Monster. This song was also song with Justin Bieber. The meaning behind the song is about how both men were placed on a pedestal at a young age. The song goes into depth about how society likes to put celebrities up on thar pedestal, but as much as they want to pursue that they also want to celebrate the fall.

Tenth, 305 is a romantic, light song about Camilla, again. This is another song expressing his feeling towards her.

Number 11 is Always Been You. In this song Mendes is comparing his love life to a “fairytale.” An evolution of his and Camilla’s relationship.

In his 12th song, Piece of You, he opens up on how hard it is seeing other people interested in and or with Camilla.

Second to last on the album is Look Up at the Stars. Throughout the song Mendes sings about the euphoria of having the right person by his side, someone who will love him and never bore him.

Last but far from least is Can’t Imagine. Ending the album on a heartfelt acoustic track diving into his feelings for Cabello.

If you are into heartfelt, post breakup, acoustic music from Shawn Mendes is definitely for you.